About Erik Townsend

hedge fund manager Erik Townsend

Erik Townsend is a retired software entrepreneur turned hedge fund manager. Throughout his career, Erik has capitalized on his ability to understand complex systems and anticipate paradigm shifts far in advance of the mainstream. Read More...

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MacroVoices Eurodollar University Podcasts

MacroVoices Eurodollar University Podcasts

A 4 Part Educational Series on the Eurodollar and related monetary and financial subjects featuring Interviews with Jeffrey Snider by Erik Townsend
  1. Jeffrey Snider: Eurodollar University Part 7

    Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeffrey Snider back to MacroVoices for Part 3 of Season 2 of the new Eurodollar University series. During this episode, Erik and Jeff delve in the federal reserve intervention, the structural changes in the Eurodollar system and the shift in bank views from riskless return to returnless risk. They further look into its impact on sustained economic growth and impact on global economies.
  2. Jeffrey Snider: Eurodollar University Part 6

    Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeffrey Snider back to MacroVoices for Part 2 of Season 2 of the new Eurodollar University series. During this episode, Erik and Jeff discuss the collateral problems with gold during 2008. Jeff explains why the crisis was a liquidity risk, not a credit risk. They elaborate on the basic interbank functions, balance sheet capacity, negative swap spreads and the pro-cyclical positive monetary feedback loop.
  3. Jeffrey Snider: Eurodollar University Part 5

    Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeffrey Snider back to MacroVoices for Part 1 of Season 2 of the new Eurodollar University series. During this episode, Erik and Jeff discuss the lost dollar decade and put into context the global dollar markets. They further dive into the shadows of the great financial crisis and the liquidity crisis in the CDS markets.
  4. Jeffrey Snider: Eurodollar University Part 4

    Erik Townsend welcomes back Jeffrey Snider to MacroVoices for Part 4 of the Eurodollar University. Erik and Jeffrey discuss the failure of Primus and AIG back in 2008, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Henry Paulson and Glass–Steagall. They further discuss the Eurodollar system going parabolic in the 2000s, Banks manipulating regulations and the big picture end game of the Eurodollar system.
  5. Jeffrey Snider: Eurodollar University Part 3

    Erik Townsend welcomes back Jeffrey Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeffrey discuss the Basel Accords, capital reserve ratios and risk weighting assets. The further discuss the leverage in bank capital, adoption of the JPM RiskMetrics and illustrations of the basic interbank functions.

MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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