Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Simon White to MacroVoices. Erik and Simon discuss:
- Considerations on the equity markets
- Post-crash dynamics
- Medium-term drivers of the U.S. Dollar
- Has something fundamentally changed in the U.S. treasury markets?
- Where is the yield curve going?
- TED and LIBOR OIS spreads
- Outlook on the Canadian economy
- Context on the Chinese economic outlook
- Has the Japanese economy peaked?
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Simon White is Co-Founder and Managing Editor at Variant Perception. Before Variant Perception, Simon was risk manager to two funds including PH2 Capital Management in London and brings extensive risk-management experience to the team. Previous to that, Simon worked for JP Morgan as an interest-rate swaps trader in multiple currencies, followed by a position at Bank of America taking risk on the bank’s balance sheet.