Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Darius Dale to MacroVoices. Erik and Darius discuss:
- The U.S. growth cycle and its peak
- Considerations on inflation
- Earnings outlook for the rest of the year
- Global divergence reiterated
- Prognostications vs the reality of the markets
- China’s massive credit expansion
- One final leg in the dollar?
- USD breakdown in currency and interest differentials
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Darius Dale is a managing director and partner at Hedgeye Risk Management, a leading independent financial research firm based in Stamford, CT. At Hedgeye, he is a senior analyst on the Global Macro team and a core contributor to the firm's economic outlook and associated investment strategy views.
Mr. Dale joined the firm shortly after graduating from Yale University in 2009. At Yale, he was a highly decorated member of the varsity football team and held leadership roles in several on-campus organizations. He also received a public service fellowship from the Yale president to help run a summer sports camp for underserved youth in the New Haven area.
He is a two-time recipient of the firm's employee of the year award (2010, 2011). His expertise on global markets and economies has led him to become a frequent on-air contributor to Fox Business and Fox News, as well as an in-print contributor to Bloomberg News.