Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Marin Katusa to MacroVoices. Erik and Marin discuss:
- Considerations on uranium exports to from Russia to the US
- What options does the US have for new uranium sources?
- Is there an investment play for uranium?
- Electric vehicles and why they’ll be a dominant trend over the coming years
- Why is copper a key component, and how to play it during this trend
- Is copper a sole source material for EV or is there an alternative?
- Will more efficient electric vehicles require more or less copper?
- The copper industry and its ability to scale up
- The investment play for copper and uranium prices going up
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Marin Katusa is the author of the New York Times Bestseller, The Colder War. Over the last decade, Marin Katusa has been involved in raising over $1 Billion in financing for resource companies. He has become one of the most successful resource venture capital fund managers, such as his 2009 Fund Partnership (KC50 Fund, LLC) which has outperformed the comparable index, the TSX-V by over 500% post fees. He has visited over 400 resource projects in over 100 countries. Katusa Research is one of the largest independent resource publishers and their research can be found at