Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeffrey Christian to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeffrey discuss:
- Perspective on the gold and USD price action in October
- Outlook for gold for 2019 and beyond
- How does silver playout relative to gold?
- Gold:silver ratio in perspective
- Why investment demand has dropped and is it finally bottoming?
- Drivers on the dollar, bonds and the equity markets
- What is the risk gold could decline during an equity bear market?
- Intermarket relationships of gold to other assets
- Perspective on statistics from the gold and silver markets
- Platinum and palladium outlook
Art joins Erik and Patrick to discuss the current bear market in oil and asking where is the right price for oil. Chart book available to registered listenered.
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Mr. Christian is Managing Director and founder of CPM Group, one of the most respected precious metals and commodities research companies in the world. He founded CPM Group in 1986 when he bought the Commodities Research Group he managed from J. Aron and Goldman Sachs. He is one of the foremost authorities worldwide on the markets for gold, silver, and the platinum group metals, and is well known for his application of economic and econometrics across commodities markets. He also is well known for his financial engineering work using commodities derivatives both for hedging and investment purposes. He has worked with governments, the United Nations, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, International Monetary Fund, and many of the world’s largest and most prominent mining companies, industrial companies, investment banks, and institutional investors.