Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome David Rosenberg back to MacroVoices. Erik and David discuss:
- Thoughts on the Fed policy shift
- Is the market still in a topping formation?
- Are we in an earnings recession?
- How low will yields go on Treasury Bonds?
- Has the MMT crowd discovered something new?
- Will we see helicopter money during the next downturn?
- What can go wrong with the implementation of Modern Monetary Theory?
- Looking back to the Ben Bernanke playbook from 2002
- What is in store for the corporate bond market?
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David Rosenberg, Chief Economist & Strategist
David Rosenberg is the Company’s Chief Economist & Strategist with a focus on providing a top-down perspective to the Firm’s investment process and Asset Mix Committee. Mr. Rosenberg received both a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Toronto. Prior to joining Gluskin Sheff in the spring of 2009, Mr. Rosenberg was Chief North American Economist at Merrill Lynch in New York for seven years, during which he was consistently ranked in the Institutional Investor All-Star analyst rankings. Prior thereto, he was Chief Economist and Strategist for Merrill Lynch Canada, based out of Toronto. David is also the author of Breakfast with Dave, a daily distillation of his economic and financial market insights.