Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome John Netto to MacroVoices. Erik and John discuss:
- What’s driving this market?
- Where is gold heading next?
- Key macro factors driving markets
- Outlook on fixed income market
- Risk budget vs. Sharpe ratio
- Limitations of Sharpe ratio
- Outlook on the Mexican Peso
- How to apply sentiment indicators to investing strategy
- Trader psychology
- Macro analysis using Netto numbers
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John Netto is a cross-asset-class trader and author of The Global Macro Edge: Maximizing Return Per Unit-of-Risk. He is also the creator of the Netto Number, the Risk Factor Compensation System, and the Protean Strategy, for which he was named by as Strategy Developer of the Month. Mr. Netto is an expert in developing, executing, and managing proprietary algorithmic and discretionary trading strategies across a range of time horizons, asset classes, and market regimes. He has conducted numerous live trading webinars where viewers watch his P&L, positions, and orders in real time for total transparency of his methods. Mr. Netto is also the author of One Shot - One Kill Trading.