Macro Voices Podcasts

Erik Townsend

In this episode: 

  • Breeder Reactors & Why they’re important
  • Thorium fueled reactors
  • The Waste Burner Reactor: Burning yesteryear’s nuclear waste as fuel
  • Nuclear Fusion & Why it can’t help in the crisis timeframe
  • Erik’s prescriptions for solving the coming crisis



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Energy Crisis Ep 5 Podcast Version Download

Alex Gurevich

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Alex Gurevich to MacroVoices. Erik and Alex discuss:

  • Reflecting on the Fed’s press release
  • Inflation
  • Crude oil outlook
  • Is it time to buy bonds?
  • Fed’s impact on financial markets
  • What’s next for gold

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Erik Townsend

In this episode: 

  • Why there’s no alternative to nuclear for finding 156,000 TWh of clean energy
  • Shortcomings of Light Water reactors
  • The ORNL Molten Salt Reactor Experiment & why it was cancelled
  • Why Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima should have been prevented
  • Why we need a crisis to precede a Nuclear Renaissance
  • Overcoming Weapons Proliferation & Waste Disposal objections
  • Way of the future: Small, modular reactors built in factories



Supporting Materials for Download

Energy Crisis Ep 4 Podcast Version Download

Viktor Shvets

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Viktor Shvets to MacroVoices. Erik and Viktor discuss:

  • Reflections on Ukraine/Russia conflict and its impact on the globe
  • Inflation outlook
  • Interest rates, GDP & recession outlook
  • Perspectives on equities and gold
  • Re-opening of China, conflict between China/Taiwan

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Lyn Alden

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Lyn Alden to MacroVoices. Erik and Lyn discuss:

  • Energy outlook
  • Decoupling of unemployment rate vs. federal deficit
  • Reflexive effects of social security trust drawdown
  • Debt and gold
  • Interest expense
  • Fed remittances
  • Increase in banks holding of treasuries
  • Recession outlook & commodities outlook

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We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Lyn will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Robert Friedland

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Robert 
Friedland to MacroVoices. Erik and Robert discuss:

  • Global energy crisis
  • Impacts on oil prices if Russia withholds oil export
  • Importance of Saudi Arabia’s role
  • Global recession and energy prices
  • Geothermal energy
  • Drilling vs. Spalling
  • Copper – supply and demand

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Darius Dale

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Darius Dale to MacroVoices. Erik and Dale discuss:

  • Is the bear market over?
  • What to expect in first half of 2023 
  • Chronology of stock market moves with impending recession
  • Implications of deglobalized world economy
  • Weaponization of inflation
  • Outlook on commodities and gold


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Darius will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Justin Huhn

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Justin Huhn to MacroVoices. Erik and Justin discuss:

  • Overall investment argument for nuclear energy
  • Bifurcation of nuclear energy market
  • Available options for investing in nuclear
  • Strategy for investing in miners
  • Invest in the fuel or in the technology?
  • Understanding the nuclear fuel cycle and how to invest in it
  • Investing in conversion and enrichment


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Justin will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Mark Nelson

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Mark Nelson to MacroVoices. Erik and Mark discuss:

  • History of nuclear power industry
  • Nuclear waste disposal
  • Nuclear weapons proliferation risk
  • How the nuclear decommissioning fund works
  • Potential alternatives to nuclear energy
  • Advanced nuclear
  • Nuclear fuel cycle

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Jim Bianco

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jim Bianco to MacroVoices. Erik and Jim discuss:

  • Latest CPI data
  • Has Inflation peaked?
  • FOMC – Fed raising rates
  • How high will the terminal rate go
  • Outlook on treasury yields and high yield market
  • Current situation in China
  • Recent rally in gold 


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Luke Gromen

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Luke Gromen to MacroVoices. Erik and Luke discuss:

  • Is the bear market over?
  • Inflation and what’s driving the price inflation?
  • Injection of liquidity by central banks and increased deficits
  • Government debt spiral
  • Effects of bifurcation and deglobalization of global economy
  • Outlook on gold
  • Will the Fed change course?

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David Rosenberg

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome David Rosenberg to MacroVoices. Erik and David discuss:

  • Recent bear market rallies – is the bottom in?
  • How the Fed will manage monetary policy
  • Has inflation peaked?
  • Recent rally in gold
  • Rising geopolitical conflicts and its impact on investors
  • China re-opening


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Pippa Malmgren

Erik Townsend welcomes Dr. Pippa Malmgren to MacroVoices. Erik and Pippa discuss:

  • World War III – what it really means
  • Russia’s willingness to weaponize oil prices and what that means for the markets
  • Why is mainstream media keeping the public in the dark?
  • Russia/Ukraine conflict
  • Crypto currencies & CBDC’s
  • Start of a space race
  • Return of Donald Trump
  • Reopening of China

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male silhouette.

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Mike Green to MacroVoices. Erik and Mike discuss:

  • Proxy wars & the new war cycle
  • Dimensions to expect in the current ongoing war
  • Possible motives of escalating “friendly competition” to proxy wars
  • Is deflation on the horizon that will lead to depression?
  • Indebtedness of US & outlook on treasuries 
  • Perspectives on gold & uranium 
  • China’s reopening and their resumption of consumption


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Rory Johnston

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Rory Johnston to MacroVoices. Erik and Rory discuss:

  • Will the supply/demand levels return to pre-pandemic levels?
  • What to expect from Guyanese offshore oil
  • Shale growth – how high can it go?
  • China re-opening and its impact on energy market
  • EU’s embargo on Russian oil 
  • Purpose of SPR  

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik, Patrick and Nick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Eric Peters

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Eric Peters to MacroVoices. Erik and Eric discuss:

  • Perspectives on current geopolitical landscape
  • Rising conflicts and Inflation 
  • Supply chain disruptions
  • Food and energy
  • How to navigate investing in the current economic backdrop
  • What China re-opening would mean for the rest of the world
  • New regime of financial repression on the horizon?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik, Patrick and Nick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Ole Hansen

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Ole Hansen to MacroVoices. Erik and Ole discuss:

  • Commodities outlook
  • Fed’s policy and inflation
  • List of stocks to watch out for
  • Lack of investments, decarbonization and electrification
  • Perspectives on US dollar
  • Contango and backwardation
  • Will inflation persist during a recession?
  • CoT report 
  • Possibility of negative natural gas prices in Europe
  • Copper, gold and agriculture

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Ole will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Louis-Vincent Gave

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Louis-Vincent Gave to MacroVoices. Erik and Louis discuss:

  • Liquidity crisis and what lies ahead
  • China’s ongoing lockdown and its implications on the global economy
  • Will Xi Jinping pivot?
  • Global energy crisis & NOPEC bill
  • Re-opening of China and increasing inflation
  • Bond market outlook

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik, Patrick and Nick will refer to it throughout the postgame. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Daniel Lacalle

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Daniel Lacalle to MacroVoices. Erik and Daniel discuss:

  • Energy crisis in Europe
  • EU policy makers and their beliefs in efficacy of sanctions
  • Nord Stream pipeline sabotage 
  • What level of hardship is expected in Europe in coming months
  • Inflation and demand destruction
  • Will energy supply return to pre-pandemic levels?
  • Investing in current economic landscape
  • Outlook on US dollar

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik, Patrick and Nick will refer to it throughout the postgame. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Alex Gurevich

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Alex Gurevich to MacroVoices. Erik and Alex discuss:

  • Inflation – will it get worse?
  • Energy crisis in Europe and UK policy response
  • Will the current economic backdrop persist?
  • Jay Powell and the Fed’s focus on core PCE
  • Depression on horizon?
  • Consequences to the US dollar
  • Dollar and the emerging market debt

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Alex will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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