About Erik Townsend

hedge fund manager Erik Townsend

Erik Townsend is a retired software entrepreneur turned hedge fund manager. Throughout his career, Erik has capitalized on his ability to understand complex systems and anticipate paradigm shifts far in advance of the mainstream. Read More...

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Luke Gromen to MacroVoices. Erik and Luke discuss:

  • Is this the beginning of the big move down for the US dollar?
  • Why the US will have to what Luke calls “print the mostest” in the dollar endgame
  • What does “printing the most” entail?
  • What is the catalyst that would bring a secular decline of the dollar?
  • US fiscal condition – accelerate borrowing and spending, where are we headed from here?
  • Perspective on the soaring S&P500what does this mean?
  • Outlook on Gold
  • Perspectives on how the US Presidential election outcome will impact the markets

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Brent Johnson to MacroVoices. Erik and Brent discuss:

  • What is next for the U.S. Dollar?
  • Will the change in monetary system provide a viable alternative to the dollar?
  • S&P 500 breaking out to the upside – what comes next?
  • Soaring stock market – is this driven by central banks buying stocks using cash from QE?
  • Outlook on gold and commodities
  • Can U.S. Treasuries see negative yields?
  • Perspectives on the upcoming U.S. Presidential election

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Brent will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jesse Felder to MacroVoices. Erik and Jesse discuss:

  • New all-time highs in the stock market despite the pandemic – what does this mean?
  • Jesse’s perspectives on Mike Green’s thesis about passive investment strategy
  • Is the retail mania driven by the Fed?
  • Perspectives on stock split and still rising TSLA
  • Is the bond market the key to stop the Fed’s frivolous money printing
  • Is this the beginning of the end for US dollar?
  • Outlook on Gold

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout postgame. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).




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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Vincent Deluard to MacroVoices. Erik and Vincent discuss:

  • Shortcomings of 60/40 portfolio and its implications
  • Why secular inflation is on the horizon and what would it look like?
  • Generational gap in wealth – what policies will bridge that gap?
  • U.S. Dollar – is this the beginning of the end?
  • Outlook on European economy and markets
  • Why inflation still hasn’t happened
  • Perspectives on gold and precious metals 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart deck that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Vincent will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jim Bianco to MacroVoices. Erik and Jim discuss:

  • Has Jim really changed his views and turned bullish?
  • Coronavirus crisis update
  • V-bottom recovery in the stock market does not equal v-bottom recovery in the economy
  • FED’s balance sheet expansion – where is it headed, what’s the endgame?
  • MMT – what are the risks and how does it unfold?
  • Fixed income markets – outlook on bond yields
  • Devaluation of the US dollar and the possibility of it losing its reserve currency status
  • Outlook on Gold

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart deck that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

Click here to register or login for access to supporting materials.


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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeff Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeff discuss:

  • 2008 Recession and QE, how it differs from other recessions
  • Diminishing economic growth
  • Perspectives on Ben Bernanke’s and other central banker’s performance in the aftermath of 2008 recession
  • Debunking the idea of central banks being central
  • Banks are shrinking – bank stocks are reflecting risks
  • Primary components of the global monetary system and how they work


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart deck that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jeff will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

Click here to register or login for access to supporting materials.

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Grant Williams to MacroVoices. Erik and Grant discuss:

  • How to navigate the current environment of escalating civil unrest and the social divide
  • Rise of MMT – how close are we and what should we expect?
  • How long will the central bank balance sheet expansion continue?
  • The global recession – how does it compare to recessions in the past and how long will it last?
  • Outlook on Gold
  • Changing political climate in Hong Kong and its impact on US/China relations
  • Perspectives on the impact of the upcoming US Presidential election

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]


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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Lyn Alden to MacroVoices. Erik and Lyn discuss:

  • U.S. Deficit was already growing pre-COVID19 crisis
  • Current employment dislocation compared to 2009
  • Is the Fed's monetary policy what's driving the V-shaped recovery in stock prices?
  • Fed's policy to inject more liquidity into the real economy and its implications
  • Will Monetary Policy 3 lead us to consumer price inflation risk?
  • Gold vs. Money supply and real interest rates
  • Possible impact on the markets from the upcoming U.S. Presidential election


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart deck that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Lyn will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

Click here to register or login for access to supporting materials.

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Erik Townsend welcomes Artem Milinchuck to MacroVoices. Erik and Artem discuss:

  • The macro case for farmland: producing real returns in a low-yielding financial economy
  • Performance and correlation analysis: Comparing farmland to other asset classes
  • Risks and opportunities created by the COVID19 crisis
  • Fractional farm ownership – how FarmTogether is making an asset class formerly open only to the super-rich available to all accredited investors


Supporting Materials for Download

FarmTogether Website - Invest in US Farmland 

FarmTogether - Live Offerings 

Introduction to Farmland Investing 

Tech-Powered Farmland Investment Platform - Driving Investment into a Vital $10T Asset Class 

Contact Information:

Phone: 1-909-404-5902

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Hugh Hendry to MacroVoices. Erik and Hugh discuss:

  • "Put Joe Rogan in Charge of the Fed! - The Dawn of Chaos"
  • Perspective on the stock advance relative to money supply expansion
  • Balance sheet expansion of the Fed and other central banks
  • Which direction will this monetary policy take?
  • Wealth inequality
  • Implementation of MMT and devaluing the dollar - is this a good idea?
  • Hugh's journey from hedge fund manager to property investor

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the article that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Hugh will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

Click here to register or login for access to supporting materials.

MACRO VOICES is presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented in MACRO VOICES should NOT be construed as investment advice. Always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions. The opinions expressed on MACRO VOICES are those of the participants. MACRO VOICES, its producers, and hosts Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna shall NOT be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented on MACRO VOICES.

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