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Guest Pitches!

Alex Gurevich

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Alex Gurevich to MacroVoices. Erik and Alex discuss:

  • Inflation – will it get worse?
  • Energy crisis in Europe and UK policy response
  • Will the current economic backdrop persist?
  • Jay Powell and the Fed’s focus on core PCE
  • Depression on horizon?
  • Consequences to the US dollar
  • Dollar and the emerging market debt

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Alex will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Jeff Snider

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeff Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeff discuss:

  • Fundamentals of Eurodollar system
  • What do the international markets have to do with the value of USD
  • Divestiture of foreign exchange assets
  • Best way to implement global digital currency system

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jeff will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Mike Alkin Adam Rodman

Erik Townsend welcomes Mike Alkin & Adam Rodman to MacroVoices. Erik and guests discuss:

  • The Uranium Fuel Cycle
  • The perceived dangers of Uranium production are misunderstood
  • Built on-site vs. modular ‘’factory’’ reactors
  • The Uranium enrichment process
  • Investing in Uranium: Opportunities and Risks
  • The Effect of Fukushima on the Uranium industry and where the industry stands today
  • The East as leaders of global Uranium production & enrichment and its effects on geopolitics and the energy crisis.


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Jim Bianco

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jim Bianco to MacroVoices. Erik and Jim discuss:

  • Inflation outlook
  • “Quiet quitting” & labor shortage
  • Current supply chain landscape and what to expect moving forward
  • Impending energy crisis and its impacts on inflation
  • Portfolio construction with current market conditions
  • Ukraine/Russia situation and global economic warfare
  • Precious metals outlook

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Dr. Anas Alhajji

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Dr. Anas Alhajji to MacroVoices. Erik and Anas discuss:

  • European energy crisis
  • Impending recession and its impacts on energy demand
  • Is the peak oil moment upon us?
  • Geopolitics and its effects on the petrodollar system
  • G7’s solution to put price cap on Russian oil
  • Ever changing production targets and what it means

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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male silhouette.

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Lakshman Achuthan to MacroVoices. Erik and Lakshman discuss:

  • Redefining recession and what it means moving forward
  • Is recession upon us?
  • Where we stand in the cycle
  • Central banks’ roles in the market and how it impacts leading indicators
  • What to anticipate in multi-year QT
  • Has the recovery already begun?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Lakshman will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Brent Johnson

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Brent Johnson to MacroVoices. Erik and Brent discuss:

  • Update on the Dollar Milkshake Theory
  • Sovereign debt crisis
  • Will the dollar continue to rise?
  • Breakdown of the Euro & Yen
  • Absolute vs. Relative performance
  • How to invest in gold as an investor while the debasement of fiat currency continues
  • Portfolio construction with the current economic backdrop
  • Outlook on commodities and equities
  • Views on digital currency possibly replacing the dollar as global reserve currency


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chartbook that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Brent will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Leigh Goehring

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Leigh Goehring to MacroVoices. Erik and Leigh discuss:

  • Relationship between fertilizer shortage and Russia/Ukraine conflict
  • Changes in global grain demand
  • What is with Biofuels
  • Emerging markets and increased demand
  • Impact of increased natural gas prices on agriculture
  • Fertilizer vs. carbon emissions
  • What is food nationalism
  • Best space for investors


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Leigh will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Charlie McElligott

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Charlie McElligott to MacroVoices. Erik and Charlie discuss:

  • Perspectives on the recent sell off
  • The next Fed pivot – does it have to be dovish?
  • Fading expectations of the Fed rate cut in spring ‘23
  • Consolidation of August rally and where it’s headed next
  • How to navigate increased volatility
  • Why Gamma is the most important flow


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Charlie will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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David Hay

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome David Hay to MacroVoices. Erik and David discuss:

  • Outlook on energy market
  • Justification of CapEx in fuel switching
  • How the global recession will impact oil prices
  • Pricing in recession – what this means for energy prices
  • Is this the dip to buy in energy?
  • The Green Energy Transition
  • Perspectives on gold & silver
  • How long will the Fed continue to expand their balance sheet?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and David will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Adam Rozencwajg

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Adam Rozencwajg to MacroVoices. Erik and Adam discuss:

  • Beginning of an energy crisis?
  • Impacts of an energy crisis on recession
  • Shifting paradigms in natural gas pricing US vs. Europe
  • Impacts of fertilizer shortage
  • Outlook on gold


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Harley Bassman

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Harley Bassman to MacroVoices. Erik and Harley discuss:

  • Is the bottom finally in?
  • Relationship between inflation and interest rates
  • How far can the fed raise interest rate to fight inflation?
  • Driving force behind inflation
  • Why is the stock market not crashing based on recent events
  • Outlook on gold
  • Wealth disparity between boomers vs. millennials


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Harley will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Lyn Alden

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Lyn Alden to MacroVoices. Erik and Lyn discuss:

  • Energy update
  • Impacts of oil prices and Russia/Ukraine war on inflation
  • Recession risk and supply crisis in oil
  • Outlook on recession
  • Recession impacts on commodities vs. equities
  • Which way will the interest rates go?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Lyn will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Jeff Snider

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeff Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeff discuss:

  • Inflation update
  • Anticipation of a deflationary recession
  • Dangers of deflationary money
  • Outlook on commodities
  • Why collateral is the biggest money risk
  • Will the Fed be forced out of tightening cycle?
  • Why rising oil prices signal deflation

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jeff will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Julian Brigden

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Julian Brigden to MacroVoices. Erik and Julian discuss:

  • Inflation update
  • What is Hyper-Financialization
  • What’s next for the bond market
  • Is it time to short junk bonds?
  • Outlook on precious metals
  • Signs that the bottoms are really in
  • How to invest with the current economic backdrop

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Julian will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Darius Dale

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Darius Dale to MacroVoices. Erik and Darius discuss:

  • Has the crash already happened or is it yet to come?
  • The Fed will tighten until something breaks
  • Can the Fed save the market?
  • Liquidity cycle and growth cycle
  • Fighting inflation with recession
  • Is price control on the horizon?
  • Food and energy inflation

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Darius will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Dr. Anas Alhajji

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Dr. Anas Alhajji to MacroVoices. Erik and Anas discuss:

  • Factors that affect increasing oil price
  • OPEC+ targets and extra capacity to meet demand
  • Russian oil production and its effects on the global market
  • Escalation of energy crisis in Europe
  • Which way will the oil price go?
  • Increasing natural gas and electricity prices in US
  • Alternative energy sources for Europe
  • How to invest in the energy market with the current backdrop

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Luke Gromen

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Luke Gromen to MacroVoices. Erik and Luke discuss:

  • Why foreign divestiture of US assets is a big deal
  • What happened to gold?
  • Strengthening Ruble and Russian energy
  • Dichotomy of US dollar
  • Transitory or beginning of a secular inflation?
  • Why the Fed needs to have negative interest rates
  • Possible inflationary recession and the knock-on effects

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Ronnie Stoeferle

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Ronnie Stoeferle to MacroVoices. Erik and Ronnie discuss:

  • Stagflation 2.0 and impacts on gold market
  • Definition of stagflation
  • Performance of gold
  • Impacts of current geopolitics on the price of gold
  • The Great Moderation is over
  • Recession and the Fed
  • Commodity super cycle and where it’s headed

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Ronnie will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Tian Yang

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Tian Yang to MacroVoices. Erik and Tian discuss:

  • Is recession on the horizon?
  • Peaked CPI and what’s coming next
  • Growth slowdown and equity sell-off
  • Outlook on China and Europe
  • 5 Signs of a market bottom
  • Impacts of Europe vs. Russia on commodity supply chains
  • What factors to consider as investors

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Tian will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Louis-Vincent Gave

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Louis-Vincent Gave to MacroVoices. Erik and Louis discuss:

  • Global financial system meltdown and US dollar’s loss of hegemony 
  • De-globalization of financial flows
  • Flight-to-safety trades going in opposite direction 
  • China vs. Taiwan and why we should be concerned
  • Geopolitics and recent sell-off in markets
  • Outlook on bonds, equities and energy

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Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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David Rosenberg

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome David Rosenberg to MacroVoices. Erik and David discuss:

  • Beginning of a bear market and how much lower will it go?
  • Fed policy changes and inflation
  • Powell vs. Volcker  
  • Recession is being engineered by the Fed
  • What is driving the current equity market sell off?
  • Perspectives on precious metals
  • Outlook on bonds and commodities


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Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Josh Crumb

Erik Townsend and guest host Kevin Muir welcome Josh Crumb to MacroVoices. Erik and Josh discuss:

  • Today’s finance industry and where it’s headed
  • Tokenized digital assets and DeFi revolution
  • Replacing US dollar as global reserve currency with digital currency
  • How secured digital bearer assets will transform the finance industry
  • What is self-sovereign identity and why it matters


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Ole Hansen

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Ole Hansen to MacroVoices. Erik and Ole discuss:

  • How to make sense of the commodity market under the current backdrop
  • Inflation and central bank’s reaction 
  • Monetary policy vs. commodity supply demand
  • What drives a commodity super cycle?
  • Will crisis emerge due to surge of global food prices?
  • Energy – how high will oil prices go?
  • Outlook on precious metals

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Ole will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Mike Green

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome MIke Green to MacroVoices. Erik and Mike discuss:

  • WWIII began 2 years ago
  • How to be prepared as investors
  • Can this war go nuclear?
  • What will this World War be about?
  • Impacts of WWIII on energy and other commodities
  • Perspectives on the stock market under current backdrop
  • Disconnect between general sentiment and price levels

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Jim Bianco

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jim Bianco to MacroVoices. Erik and Jim discuss:

  • Replacement of global reserve currency - from US dollar to decentralized digital currency
  • Central bank issued digital currency
  • Fully decentralized currency system vs. digital sovereign market
  • Re-engineering corporate capital structure
  • Will the new currency system emerge from Metaverse?

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Bill Blain

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Bill Blain to MacroVoices. Erik and Bill discuss:

  • Inflation – is it really transitory?
  • Impacts of Ukraine/Russia situation on inflation
  • Global reserve currency – US Dollar vs. Digital Currency
  • Inflation impacts on the bond market
  • Energy crisis on the horizon?
  • ESG vs fossil fuels

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Philip Verleger

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Philip Verleger to MacroVoices. Erik and Philip discuss:

  • Energy outlook
  • Recession impact on oil prices
  • Transition to ESG & Electrification of the economy
  • Overlooked challenges in the transition in energy
  • Consequences of current geopolitical event on energy
  • Likelihood of price control
  • What should be done to mitigate energy price challenges

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

Jonathan Awde



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Daniel Lacalle

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Daniel Lacalle to MacroVoices. Erik and Daniel discuss:

  • Beginning of a tightening cycle amidst Ukraine/Russian war
  • Recession and decreasing demand
  • Risk of stagflation in Europe and other parts of the globe
  • Relationship between energy and inflation
  • Chinese economy & US/China relations
  • Central bank policies and hiking cycles
  • Risk of runaway energy prices
  • Replacement of USD as the global reserve currency  

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Joseph Wang

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Joseph Wang to MacroVoices. Erik and Joseph discuss:

  • This week’s FOMC meeting
  • Is it time for Volcker style aggressive hiking cycle?
  • What options are available to the Fed?
  • QT cycle – takeaways from the past and what to expect moving forward
  • Weakness in equity markets
  • Will the Fed stay on course this time?
  • Mortgage-backed securities

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Lakshman Achuthan

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Lakshman Achuthan to MacroVoices. Erik and Lakshman discuss:

  • Upcoming policy mistake
  • Inflation risks – what is the issue with inflation?
  • Tightening monetary policy in this current environment
  • Window of economic vulnerability
  • ESG and energy costs amidst the war cycle backdrop
  • Outlook on equities and bonds
  • Rise of commodities and what’s going on with gold  

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Lakshman will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Dr. Pippa Malmgren to MacroVoices. Erik and Pippa discuss:

  • Legitimacy of Russia’s concerns
  • Perspectives on Glen Greenwald’s views on Ukraine/Russia situation
  • “Dead Man’s Switch”
  • Is there a nuclear threat?
  • Russia’s presence in Asia
  • What can aid in de-escalation of the current Ukraine/Russia relations
  • WWIII may result in an economic boom

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Charlie McElligott

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Charlie McElligott to MacroVoices. Erik and Charlie discuss:

  • Key takeaways from previous tightening cycles
  • Secular vs. transitory inflation
  • Aftermaths of hiking cycles of the past
  • Impacts of COVID pandemic effects on the market
  • Ukraine/Russia relations – downside left tail or right tail risk?
  • Outlook for second half of 2022
  • How to interpret lack of liquidity in the markets

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Jim Bianco

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jim Bianco to MacroVoices. Erik and Jim discuss:

  • Credit market reaction to inflation
  • Employment: friction between returning to office vs. WFH
  • What’s going on with the Fed
  • How to know if inflation is transitory
  • MMT influence on politics and policies
  • DeFi and tokenization of financial assets

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Alex Gurevich

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Alex Gurevich to MacroVoices. Erik and Alex discuss:

  • Is the bond bull market over?
  • US Dollar outlook
  • Effects of tightening cycle
  • Fed’s excess stimulus and inflation
  • Gold & precious metals outlook
  • Perspectives on bond markets

Get your copy of The Trades of March 2020: A Shield Against Uncertainty

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We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Izabella Kaminska

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Izabella Kaminska to MacroVoices. Erik and Izabella discuss:

  • Shifting into endemic phase – what that means for the economy
  • Is this inflation transitory?
  • Supply chain – shortage in semi conductors
  • Instability in Ukraine/Russia relations
  • What the current economic situation means for investors
  • CBDC in China – will other governments adopt?
  • UBER and Airbnb business model
  • What happens next in recovery for consumers

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Ronald Stoeferle

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Ronald Stoeferle to MacroVoices. Erik and Ronald discuss:

  • Return of volatility
  • Is recession upon us?
  • Price of gold
  • Rate hike cycle and inflation
  • Velocity of money and inflation expectations
  • Relationship between gold and crypto
  • Performance of mining shares
  • General market outlook

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Ronald will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Viktor Shvets

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Viktor Shvets to MacroVoices. Erik and Viktor discuss:

  • The inflation pendulum
  • Monetary policy and its relationship to the stock market
  • Negative interest rates and gold
  • Will the Fed tighten or ease?
  • Post Covid geopolitics between US/China/Russia
  • What’s priced wrong and where are investment opportunities?
  • How to invest during the re-opening of the economy

*Please note that the market wrap commentary was recorded mid-session with the S&P still up on the day, before the late-day crash to new lows*

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Darius Dale

Erik Townsend and guest host Kevin Muir welcome Darius Dale to MacroVoices. Erik and Darius discuss:

  • Deflation or inflation?
  • Omicron effects on the markets
  • How will recovery impact asset prices post-pandemic? 
  • End of stimulus and what that means for the markets
  • Fed is late to tighten – where does this go next?
  • Impending secular inflation vs. 1970’s inflation
  • Outlook on gold and precious metals
  • Quantifying potential downside in the stock market

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Darius will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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male silhouette.

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Grant Williams to MacroVoices. Erik and Grant discuss:

  • Are central banks leading us to inflation trap?
  • Will the Fed follow through with tapering?
  • Omicron effects on reopening of the economy
  • Asset allocation in current market conditions
  • Tesla – will it finally roll over and break?
  • Disparity between oil displacement and transition to green energy
  • Foreign affairs – US/Russia/China relations 


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Louis-Vincent Gave

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Louis-Vincent Gave to MacroVoices. Erik and Louis discuss:

  • Omicron effects on the markets
  • Fed’s tapering – is it real this time?
  • Is the Fed heading into an inflation trap?
  • Final era of oil 
  • US/China & US/Russia relations post COVID
  • Precious metals, US Dollar and cryptocurrency

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

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Jesse Felder

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jesse Felder to MacroVoices. Erik and Jesse discuss:

  • Inflation vs Deflation
  • What happens if there is no correction in nominal prices?
  • "The Buffet Yardstick”
  • What is in store for equity markets next year?
  • Precious metals and mining stocks – where is the opportunity? 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jesse will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Francesco Filia

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Francesco Filia to MacroVoices. Erik and Francesco discuss:

  • DeFi – Decentralized Finance
  • Will bonds be replaced with new credit instruments?
  • The next step leading to DeFi
  • Displaced bonds and what that would mean for investors
  • Cryptocurrency and digital lending
  • What to expect in digitization of financial industry 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Francesco will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Julian Brigden

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Julian Brigden to MacroVoices. Erik and Julian discuss:

  • Inflation, deflation or disinflation?
  • Core PCE and Final Demand PPI
  • Precious metal outlook
  • Backing up of rates and how far can it go?
  • Is the Fed going to taper?
  • Warning about the 1960’s

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Julian will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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David Rosenberg

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome David Rosenberg to MacroVoices. Erik and David discuss:

  • Inflation outlook
  • Powell’s latest comments
  • Will there be a meaningful correction?
  • Commodities supercycle
  • Outlook on gold and crypto currency
  • What’s next for US dollar

    Breakfast with Dave 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Lyn Alden

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Lyn Alden to MacroVoices. Erik and Lyn discuss:

  • Long-term debt cycle
  • Lessons from the 1940’s financial repression 
  • Will the government keep the inflation going?
  • Bonds vs. Inflation
  • Broad money and CPI
  • The oil cycle
  • Perspectives on monetary and fiscal policy
  • Portfolio composition in current landscape

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Lyn will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Jeff Snider

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeff Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeff discuss:

  • Secular or transitory inflation?
  • Increase in energy prices and CPI
  • How will the government respond?
  • Foreign investment in bond market 
  • Lack of investing in oil market 
  • Bond market as inflation indicator
  • Why Yellen and Powell may be right

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jeff will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Ole Hansen

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Ole Hansen to MacroVoices. Erik and Ole discuss:

  • Price of energy & green investing focus
  • Post pandemic demand increase & supply chain disruptions
  • Inflation hedge in current environment
  • Outlook on oil and energy
  • Precious metals, uranium and nuclear power
  • Impacts of weather on supply for agriculture production

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Ole will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Mike Green

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Mike Green to MacroVoices. Erik and Mike discuss:

  • Views on the latest FOMC meeting
  • Outlook on equity markets, gold and crude oil
  • China’s impact on commodities
  • Which way will the bond yields go?
  • Impacts of Cryptocurrency and DeFi on central banks
  • Benefits of tokenized digital dollar


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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David Hay

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome David Hay to MacroVoices. Erik and David discuss:

  • Inflation and Greenflation 
  • Outlook on equities
  • Paul Tudor Jones’ “Range Expansion” 
  • Breakouts and Breakdowns
  • Cryptocurrencies & Gold
  • Investment strategies in current environment
  • Wage inflation and employment shortages


Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Luke Gromen

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Luke Gromen to MacroVoices. Erik and Luke discuss:

  • Is this inflation transitory or structural?
  • Secular inflation and tax receipts
  • How MMT may impact monetary policy moving forward
  • How will central banks respond?
  • Politics and policy – what it means for asset allocation
  • Outlook on bond yields, US dollar, bitcoin and gold

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Cullen Roche

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Cullen Roche to MacroVoices. Erik and Cullen discuss:

  • Trillion-dollar coin and debt ceiling
  • Stagnant economy and inflation
  • Modern Monetary Theory
  • Will inflation turn into stagflation?
  • Fed’s response to inflation
  • Keynesian’s counter cyclical policy
  • Outlook on equities, dollar and bond yields 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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male silhouette.

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Russell Napier to MacroVoices. Erik and Russell discuss:

  • Current situation in China and its impacts on inflation
  • Interest rates and inflation
  • China’s influence on central banks facing inflation
  • Collectivism and its implications on central banks
  • Outlook for bond rates
  • Impacts of inflation on stock market
  • Financial repression – how will it unfold?
  • Outlook on equities and gold

 Find out more about Russell's new course at www.didaskoeducation.org or you can contact Russell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Jeroen Blokland

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeroen Blokland to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeroen discuss:

  • Is inflation transitory?
  • Policy response to inflation
  • Supply chain disruption
  • Bullish sentiment in the stock market
  • Portfolio allocation
  • Reflecting on last week’s FOMC 
  • China and Evergrande
  • Perspectives on Bitcoin

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jeroen will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).


David GarofaloSPECIAL POST GAME GUEST- David Garofalo




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Juliette Declercq

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Juliette Declercq to MacroVoices. Erik and Juliette discuss:

  • Macro outlook
  • The two types of inflation
  • Unemployment rate and wage inflation
  • How will the Fed react to rising wages?
  • Wealth accumulation by generations and income inequality
  • Supply and demand imbalances

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Juliette will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Jim Bianco

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jim Bianco to MacroVoices. Erik and Jim discuss:

  • Is this inflation secular or cyclical?
  • Wage inflation and unemployment rate
  • Correlation between inflation and interest rate
  • Is this beginning of a bond-bear market?
  • Investment strategy in the current bond market landscape
  • Will Jay Powell be re-appointed?
  • Outlook on China
  • Perspectives on DeFi 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Paul Krake

Erik Townsend and this week's guest host Kevin Muir welcome Paull Krake to MacroVoices. Erik and Paul discuss:

  • Major macro themes to observe
  • Megathematics
  • Perspectives on China
  • Hong Kong’s loss of independence and its impact on financial landscape
  • Climate change and ESG trend
  • Will the FED actually taper?
  • What’s next for digitization and DeFi

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Kevin will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Wayne Himelsein

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Wayne Himelsein to MacroVoices. Erik and Wayne discuss:

  • Long Vol vs. Short Vol strategies
  • Mitigating carry cost of long vol strategies 
  • Actively trading to manage negative carry
  • Straddles as a long vol trade 
  • Sizing a long vol hedge in a portfolio
  • Dynamic management of a long vol trade

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chartbook that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Wayne will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Erik Townsend welcomes Dr. Pippa Malmgren and Clint Cox to MacroVoices. Erik and the guests discuss:

  • Importance of Decentralized Finance
  • How to navigate DeFi revolution as an investor
  • Will credit be re-engineered in a digital currency system?
  • Geopolitical consequences of displacing USD as global reserve currency with new digital central bank reserve asset

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Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Erik Townsend welcomes Dr. Pippa Malmgren and Clint Cox to MacroVoices. Erik and the guests discuss:

  • Digital currency & decentralized finance vs. conventional currency and finance system
  • Cryptocurrency, Central Bank Digital Currencies and Silicon Valley Digital Currencies
  • Can CBDCs coexist peacefully with non-government cryptocurrencies?
  • Big tech impact on digital currency systems

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Lakshman Achuthan

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Lakshman Achuthan to MacroVoices. Erik and Lakshman discuss:

  • Will there be disinflation before secular inflation?
  • Global Manufacturing PMI & Industrial Growth cycles
  • Post GFC – when does national debt becomes problematic?
  • Commodities – what to expect cyclically
  • Outlook on precious metals
  • Does the downturn in economic cycle call for recession?

 Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]


We strongly recommend that you download the chartbook that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Lakshman will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

Grant Williams


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Brent Johnson

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Brent Johnson to MacroVoices. Erik and Brent discuss:

  • Resiliency of the US dollar
  • The Dollar Milkshake Theory
  • Inflation vs Deflation
  • Portfolio allocation
  • Gold, Bitcoin and digital assets
  • Agricultural commodities vs industrial commodities

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chartbook that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Brent will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Bill Blain

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Bill Blain to MacroVoices. Erik and Bill discuss:

  • Is Inflation here to stay?
  • Threat of stagflation 
  • How probable is runaway inflation?
  • Chinese capitalism vs Western capitalism
  • Outlook on US/China relations
  • Gold vs Crypto
  • How to hedge in real asset market
  • MMT and wealth inequality
  • Perspectives on ESG

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Darius Dale

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Darius Dale to MacroVoices. Erik and Darius discuss:

  • Inflation vs. Deflation
  • Trend in growth
  • Measuring trend change and trend reversal
  • Impending “second wave” of secular inflation
  • How to invest in secular inflation narrative
  • Long-term outlook on monetary policy
  • Cyclical forces in the economy

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chartbook that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Darius will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Aaran Param

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Aaran Param to MacroVoices. Erik and Aaran discuss:

  • Inflation – secular or transitory?
  • Where to invest in equity market
  • What’s next for the dollar
  • How to play EM vs DM
  • Perspectives on China
  • Bond market outlook
  • Commodity super cycle
  • Oil, gold & precious metals

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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male silhouette.

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Viktor Shvets to MacroVoices. Erik and Viktor discuss:

  • Inflation vs. disinflation
  • “Everything will go to zero”
  • Cause of changes in economic behavior and social attitude
  • Generation cycles and fourth turning
  • Capital markets and Fed policy – where are they headed?
  • Is the only possible direction for interest rates to go up?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Eric Peters

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Eric Peters to MacroVoices. Erik and Eric discuss:

  • Views on current inflation narrative
  • How to hedge in a transitory inflation environment
  • Consequences and implications of secular inflation
  • How long it will take for inflation to go from “good” to “bad”
  • Will digital currency eventually replace fiat currency?
  • Will Bitcoin benefit from CBDC?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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male silhouette.

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Daniel Lacalle to MacroVoices. Erik and Daniel discuss:

  • Views on inflation
  • Recovery – how differences in sentiment will impact demand
  • Logic behind central banks policy trend toward tapering
  • Where will continued money printing lead us?
  • Perspectives on ESG aware investing trend
  • Energy market outlook
  • Digital currency – where are we headed?

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We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Philip Verleger to MacroVoices. Erik and Philip discuss:

  • IEA’s forecast on shutting down the oil industry
  • What will happen to price action at the wind-down of the industry
  • Perspectives on inflation
  • What would happen if this inflation is not transitory?
  • Carbon sequestration and carbon credits
  • Metals and petroleum – why is China selling metals?
  • ESG and nuclear energy
  • Outlook on oil

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Steve Keen

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Steve Keen to MacroVoices. Erik and Steve discuss:

  • Relationship between inflation and bond rates
  • Perspectives on recent action of US 10yr Treasury yield
  • MMT – how will this concept be adopted?
  • Will MMT create even more private debt and is there a way to avoid it?
  • Debunking ESG for investors 
  • Rebuttal to William Nordhaus 
  • Steve’s new book - The New Economics: A Manifesto 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Marin Katusa to MacroVoices. Erik and Marin discuss:

  • Options that exist for accredited investors in precious metals market
  • Private placement in precious metals and how it works
  • Pros and cons of Capital Introduction industry 
  • Disadvantages of using a broker
  • What Katusa Research newsletter offers
  • Access to private placement and financing vs. public market
  • Marin’s new book: The Rise of America

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

Katusa Research Special Offer: 28% off Marin Katusa's Natural Resource Investing Newsletter 

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Larry McDonald

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Larry McDonald to MacroVoices. Erik and Larry discuss:

Relationship between inflation and treasury yields

  • Outlook on US/China relations
  • What to expect in equity and bond market
  • Drivers of upcoming price increase in oil
  • Trading opportunities in energy market
  • “Alpha Male Central Banker”
  • Breakdown of the dollar and its implications
  • Oil demand expectations in the re-opening 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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David Rosenberg

Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome David Rosenberg to MacroVoices. Erik and David discuss:

  • Are we really facing secular inflation?
  • How the recent stimulus impacts the inflation narrative
  • FED has it right – this inflation is a “transitory phenomenon”
  • How to play against the popular narrative that secular inflation is imminent
  • Why this inflation is transitory
  • Outlook on treasury yields

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

Free 30-day Trial to Dave's Economic Research 

Charts with Dave 2021 05 06 MacroVoices 

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Harley Bassman to MacroVoices. Erik and Harley discuss:

  • What’s needed to hedge against rising interest rates
  • “Financial Tsunami” and what that would mean for the markets
  • Reasons behind Harley’s new project with Simplify
  • The new ETF, PFIX– who is it for?  
  • How rising interest rates will cause systemic risks in the market
  • How PFIX  can protect portfolio  
  • Perspectives on inflation

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chartbook that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Harley will refer to it throughout the interview. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Dylan Grice to MacroVoices. Erik and Dylan discuss:

  • Inflation vs. Deflation
  • US 10yr Yield outlook
  • Reasons why there is potential for a big rally in crude oil
  • Perspectives on oil and transitioning into EV
  • Portfolio composition to play inflation
  • Asymmetric trade opportunities
  • ECB and the Fed – where are they headed?
  • Risks of central banks intertwining with politics

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Charlie McElligott to MacroVoices. Erik and Charlie discuss:

  • Deflation vs. Inflation
  • Can US Treasury 10yr Yields  press 2%?
  • Sentiment and vol factors and thematic reversal risk
  • Nomura Vol control model anticipates potential “buy flows”
  • Thematic & Factor risk premia performance trends
  • SPX/SPY Consolidated $Gamma/$Delta

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Charlie will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Art Berman to MacroVoices. Erik and Art discuss:

  • General outlook on oil
  • Factors causing continuous decline in production
  • Why should we not expect increases in price?
  • OPEC spare capacity vs Brent price
  • Reasons to expect demand to return to pre-pandemic levels by end of 2021
  • Price outlook for the rest of 2021
  • Increase in price vs. rig count
  • Impact of electrification on oil

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Art will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeff Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeff discuss:

  • Why deflation?
  • Was it really a historic sell-off in bond market?
  • Why the government wants inflation
  • US Treasury yield curve vs. Eurodollar yield curve
  • Will the Fed stick to the zero lower bound for the foreseeable future?
  • Definition of reflation vs. recovery
  • Underwhelming current reflationary sell-off
  • Inflation expectations in the TIPS market

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jeff will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jesse Felder to MacroVoices. Erik and Jesse discuss:

  • Inflation outlook and its main drivers
  • S&P500 index and margin debt to GDP analysis
  • Potential peak in earnings growth ahead
  • Corporate profit margins vs. Labor share
  • Stocks vs. Interest rates, Interest Rates vs. Financial Instability
  • Gold and crypto currency
  • How value investing works in overpriced asset conditions

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jesse will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Steven Van Metre to MacroVoices. Erik and Steven discuss:

  • Why deflation, why not inflation?
  • QE – how it really works
  • Why is the current MMT inspired stimulus not inflationary?
  • Reasons why there is a need for existing bank reserves for QE
  • What will the next stimulus bring?  
  • What is a liquidity trap and why we’re headed towards it
  • Implications of liquidity trap and how to resolve it
  • Outlook on bond yields

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Steven will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Robert Friedland to MacroVoices. Erik and Robert discuss:

  • How investors should think about decarbonization
  • Green Revolution – is there an investment in build out of a new electric grid?
  • What to invest in to benefit from the electrification of the global economy
  • EV and advancement in batteries – is nickel unavoidable?
  • How investors should look at advancement in battery technology
  • Perspectives on commercialization of Thorium reactors
  • The technology needed in order to deliver safe and unlimited electric energy 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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male silhouette.Remember when Kyle Bass appeared on MacroVoices and suggested that Erik should get Josh Crumb on the show to explain all the various dimensions of Abaxx Technologies and how the company plans to disrupt commodity trading by bringing the latest technologies to bear to create smarter commodity markets? The long-awaited interview is finally here. Abaxx founders Josh Crumb and Joe Raia lay out the whole story of what Abaxx intends to do, from a new commodity exchange in Singapore to embracing blockchain technology to redesign how futures markets work, to a new suite of self-sovereign identity tools for finance that could revolutionize the way the industry does business. 

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Juliette Declercq to MacroVoices. Erik and Juliette discuss:

  • Is secular inflation upon us?
  • What to make of the rise in long-term bond yields?
  • Are higher yields threatening an equity bear market?
  • Ongoing sector rotation between cyclicals/value and growth sectors
  • What should the FED do next?
  • Outlook on dollar and gold

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Juliette will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Diego Parrilla to MacroVoices. Erik and Diego discuss:

  • Inflation vs. Deflation narrative
  • Rates market – at what point will the Fed intervene?
  • Negative treasury yield and what that means for equity market
  • VIX on the rise – is the market topping?
  • Outlook on Gold
  • DXY – are we seeing a reversal on the horizon?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

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SPECIAL POST GAME GUEST- Amir Adnani{f90filter RegisteredUser SHOW}






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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Ole Hansen to MacroVoices. Erik and Ole discuss:

  • Return of a commodity bull market
  • Increasing real yields vs. gold
  • Green revolution – which commodity will benefit?
  • Increasing demand in Copper
  • Record long exposure in hedge funds – is this where the market tops?
  • Why Roll Yields matter
  • Green transformation and its relationship to correlations in commodities
  • Crude oil – are we nearing a top?
  • Outlook on agriculture, Uranium

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Ole will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Lyn Alden to MacroVoices. Erik and Lyn discuss:

  • Perspectives on mainstream deflationists adopting a new inflation view
  • Limits to excessive deficit spending and fiscal stimulus
  • Fiscal vs. Monetary dominance
  • Macro asset allocation strategy in fiscal dominance environment
  • Perspectives on the Fed’s yield control
  • U.S. broad money supply vs. Japanese broad money supply
  • Outlook on Gold and Bitcoin

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Lyn will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Louis-Vincent Gave to MacroVoices. Erik and Louis discuss:

  • Energy prices and inflation
  • What is driving the stock market to its all-time highs despite the pandemic
  • Has the oil market priced in the recovery?
  • Perspectives on the recent Copper rally and how far can it go?
  • Will Singapore replace Hong Kong as the financial centre of Asia?
  • European market outlook

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

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SPECIAL POST GAME GUEST : Kevin Muir - The MacroTourist





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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Julian Brigden to MacroVoices. Erik and Julian discuss:

  • Last year’s bullish outlook - does it still stand?
  • Is the current level of spending in the economy being propped up by stimulus?
  • APPL, TSLA and the classic bubble
  • Why would the FED allow the bond market to clear at a market rate?
  • Upside risks to treasury yields
  • Perspectives on impending secular inflation
  • How long do we have until we have a runaway inflation problem?
  • What is the right metric that would indicate when things turn bad?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Julian will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jim Bianco to MacroVoices. Erik and Jim discuss:

  • Deflation vs. Inflation outlook
  • What could contain and remedy the impending inflation?
  • Investing strategies for inflation
  • Coronavirus update
  • Wall Street Bets –who’s behind it and what’s going on?
  • Last week was GME, and now it’s Silver – will there be another squeeze?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart deck that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Russell Napier to MacroVoices. Erik and Russell discuss:

  • How are stocks rallying to new all-time highs amidst the ongoing pandemic?
  • Stimulus into real economy – will this still support the stock market?
  • How far Bond Yields could go
  • Financial repression and inflation outlook
  • Inflation may be good in the beginning but for how long?
  • Benefits of inflation on the stock market
  • Perspectives on commodities including Copper and agriculture
  • Gold vs. Bitcoin
  • Is there a strategy to evade financial repression?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Mike Green to MacroVoices. Erik and Mike discuss:

  • Are we finally headed toward a global digital currency?
  • Benefits of secure digital bearer asset currency 
  • Lack of discussion regarding the adoption of the technology behind Bitcoin
  • Will the governments eventually accept the use of cryptocurrency?
  • CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency
  • Why some large institutions are buying Bitcoin as store of value 
  • Bitcoin vs. Ethereum

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Luke Gromen to MacroVoices. Erik and Luke discuss:

  • Is this the beginning of the end for the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency?
  • Relative decline to other fiat currencies or loss of purchasing power?
  • Democratic control of the Senate – how does this affect yields?
  • When will deficits start to matter?
  • How do you translate the current state of the dollar into investment strategies?
  • Bitcoin vs. Gold
  • Are we finally at a point of runaway wage & price inflation?

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Art Berman to MacroVoices. Erik and Art discuss:

  • Saudi Arabia’s production cut decision and what this means
  • Will U.S. shale industry recover?
  • Expected decline in demand in oil
  • Analysis of current comparative inventory report
  • Pandemic and U.S. consumption recovery – what does this mean for gasoline?
  • Perspectives on previous prediction of a big decline in U.S. production in Q1
  • Can OPEC compensate for loss of U.S. production?
  • Lag times between getting the rig started to actual oil production and what this means
  • Price vs. Comparative inventory yield curve

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Art will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Ronald Stoeferle and Grant Williams to MacroVoices. Erik and the panlists discuss:

  • How to trade a fiat currency debasement
  • Hedging or trading inflation
  • Gold, silver, platinum and palladium 
  • Hard assets like real estate including farmland
  • Copper and iron ore and the battery metals
  • Energy as an inflation hedge

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Ronald Stoeferle and Grant Williams to MacroVoices. Erik and the panelists discuss:

  • Fiat currency debasement
  • Yellen, MMT and debasement, how could it play out differently
  • Commodities and different ways to hedge
  • Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and its role as a debasement hedge

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Kyle Bass to MacroVoices. Erik and Kyle discuss:

  • All-time highs despite the pandemic – are we shifting into a new paradigm?
  • Impending inflation and how to trade it 
  • Is gold still the best hedge against fiat debasement?
  • Is the bond bull market finally done and are we headed toward negative yield?
  • Negative yields in Europe – will this recover as inflation begins?
  • How will Biden administration change the macro outlook?
  • Implications of electrification of the economy
  • Will Singapore be replacing Hong Kong as the financial center in Asia?
  • Perspectives on crypto currencies

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Dr. Pippa Malmgren to MacroVoices. Erik and Pippa discuss:

  • Update on President Trump may start his own news network
  • Why Trump running a news network may be more powerful than being the President 
  • Upcoming meeting of the electors – how will this impact President Trump’s actions
  • What would Trump News Network look like?
  • Possible pardoning for Julian Assange and Edward Snowden and its implications
  • Perspectives on inflation 
  • Outlook on digital currencies 

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Patrick will refer to it throughout the postgame segment. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome Jeff Snider to MacroVoices. Erik and Jeff discuss:

  • DXY reaching multi-year lows – is this the beginning of the dollar crash?
  • Basics of US dollar crash and related Treasury market destruction
  • Has quantitative easing been successful?
  • Japanese Inflation & QE – Is US monetary policy following the Japanese model?
  • Lower indication in inflation indices despite excessive liquidity
  • Is the U.S. dollar’s global reserve currency status being threatened?
  • Perspectives on MMT

Download the podcast transcript: [Click Here]

We strongly recommend that you download the chart book that accompanies this episode, as Erik and Jeff will refer to it throughout the discussion. If you are already registered at MacroVoices.com, just login and the download link will appear here once you're logged in. If you haven’t already registered, click the red “Subscribe for FREE” button on the top right side of the home page, and register. Once logged in, you will see the download link(s) and will be able to download the PDF document(s).

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Billionaire Canadian financier Robert Friedland headlines the inaugural episode of Smarter Markets, and shares a vision of commodities being graded based on how responsibly they were produced with regard to ESG priorities, thus allowing free market price discovery to determine a market premium to reward responsible producers of metals and other commodities which have historically had an adverse environmental impact.. Robert goes on to share his vision for how a distributed ledger (blockchain) could be used to hold commodity producers to account and assure buyers of commodities that they've received the full and true details of how those commodities were produced.

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